Monday, November 16, 2009

Myspace Music Player to Hi5?

How do you add a Myspace music Player to hi5?I found it on a profile look at

Myspace Music Player to Hi5?
you go to the myspace music site you want to put the player from.. then choose 'view source' .. on mozilla it's View%26gt;%26gt; Page Source.. anyways so you scroll down to about half way and you'll find the code..

after all of this..

%26lt;PARAM NAME="WMode" VALUE="Window"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="Play" VALUE="-1"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="Loop" VALUE="-1"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="Quality" VALUE="High"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="SAlign" VALUE=""%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="Menu" VALUE="-1"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="Base" VALUE=""%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="AllowScriptAccess" VALUE="always"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="Scale" VALUE="ShowAll"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="DeviceFont" VALUE="0"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="EmbedMovie" VALUE="0"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="BGColor" VALUE="#FFF"%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="SWRemote" VALUE=""%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="MovieData" VALUE=""%26gt;

%26lt;PARAM NAME="SeamlessTabbing" VALUE="1"%26gt;

%26lt;B%26gt;THE CODE BELOW THE CODE YOU PUT IN%26lt;/B%26gt;not the one above

here's an example from my music site..

%26lt;embed src=" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF

width="450" height="345" name="mp3player" align="" AllowScriptAccess="always"

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" FlashVars="culture=en-US"

pluginspage=" %26lt;/embed%26gt;

andd that one up there is the one you put in your 'about me' for that hi5 site.. im repeating it so you don't get confused :]

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