Friday, November 13, 2009

YouTube videos on hi5 with sound?

I want to put a video from Youtube to my hi5 but i want the sound to start automatically when someone visits my can i do that? I tried to just copy the video's code to my hi5 but the video starts playing only after someone presses the play button...i dont want that!!! help!

YouTube videos on hi5 with sound?
In YouTube 'Help' you'll see a Q%26amp;A with this topic: Can I make my embedded videos autoplay? Below is an excerpt:

To make it (the video) autoplay, just append "%26amp;autoplay=1" after the video ID.

It should look something like this (at the end of the code):


*** Notice the "%26amp;autoplay" after "OdT9z-JjtJk". ***

OdT9z-JjtJk %26lt;--- this is what a video ID looks like in the embed codes.

Hope that helps.
Reply:You're welcome. :) Report It

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